Finding Financial Wellbeing

Gail Bailey chats to Gary Ward about the journey and ethos behind his newly founded company Blue Sky Family Wealth Management, based in Longridge

“I help families make wise financial decisions and live their best possible lives, by taking away the fear of running out of money,” was the bold and heartfelt opening statement when I met Gary Ward, founder and managing director of Blue Sky Family Wealth Management.

Based in Longridge and Stockport, Gary has built his company with a simple ethos at its core – to provide honest, caring and trustworthy financial advice that genuinely helps people. “Blue Sky is a business where every client feels valued and heard and where we focus on long-term relationships – not just transactions.”

With a career in the financial services industry spanning over 35 years, Gary is well placed to guide and advise customers on their best financial options. However, personal experience has shaped Gary’s outlook to the same degree as his professional life: “I lost my father and my wife too early. I was working in financial services and striving to achieve the best I could for my family. Promotions, pay rises and savings cannot though replace time with your loved ones.

“Through the pain of those losses, I came to understand one vital truth – we only get one shot at this life and we need to make it count. The regrets of not living fully are crushing, both for those nearing the end and for the loved ones left behind,” says Gary poignantly.

“This realisation transformed not only how I live but also how I approach financial planning. Today, I help my clients define what a fulfilling life looks like for them and then work to secure that life. It’s not just about accumulating wealth, it’s about making sure you spend your money on the experiences that will bring joy and meaning to your life. I make it a point to ensure my clients understand the full range of possibilities open to them and I actively encourage them to embrace those opportunities.”

Financial coaching, retirement planning, estate and generational wealth planning, business advice, savings and investment and financial protection are the key services Gary can offer. Blue Sky Family Wealth Management aims to provide the financial independence needed to avoid the damaging financial effects of Inheritance Tax and long-term care.

Family wealth management is not only about advising older generations on how best to manage their finances for their family’s inheritance but also to guide, educate and support younger generations before they inherit, as Gary explains: “Clients want to ensure that when they leave their money they are leaving certainty for their family. Anyone not experienced in managing finances can struggle if they suddenly inherit money they perhaps aren’t used to. We ensure that we work closely with families on a bespoke basis to give them financial security in the long term.”

When not working, Gary is very much a community stalwart and loves to be involved in locally based initiatives: “I am incredibly proud to have been the creator of the Longridge Soap Box Derby,” he says. “We have now safely delivered three derbies, which have raised nearly £60,000 for local charities and hospices, while also entertaining the thousands of spectators who travel into the town.”

Gary is also Chair of the Love Longridge Business Group and works closely with colleagues in the group who are all committed to improving the town.

Contact Gary to discuss your own financial objectives.

Blue Sky Family Wealth Management Ltd is an appointed representative of ValidPath Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Firm Reference Number 197107.

Registered in England and Wales. Company No: 15804445. Registered Address: BTC House, Chapel Hill, Longridge, Preston PR3 3JY.

Blue Sky Family Wealth Management
Suite 15, Longridge Business Centre
Stonebridge Mill, Kestor Lane
Longridge PR3 3AD
0800 061 4892



Tedd Walmsley

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