Have A Spooktacular Halloween
As we head into Halloween, this year will be slightly different. With trick or treating not being encouraged, there’s still plenty you can do to get into the spirit of the things, writes Tracy Hargreaves
Go on a pumpkin trail with your own household. Why not get dressed up and similar to the rainbow trails that many did during lockdown, see how many pumpkins in windows your children can spot. Give them a small prize for everyone that they see.
Why not hide treats around the house and garden? Turn the lights out, play some spooky music and get the kids hunting for their treasure. Hold a Halloween disco with glow sticks, a family friendly Halloween movie night or have a spooky story time by candlelight.
If you do get trick or treaters to your house, don’t let children pick the sweets from a tin, individually wrap them and hang them outside for them to pick.
Have a Halloween themed menu. Make Halloween hot dog fingers, green slimy jelly with edible eyeballs or Dracula dentures with cookies, red food colouring and mini marshmallows for teeth.
Many places are running Halloween competitions. Chorley Police has joined forces with Morrisons and McDonalds in Chorley to give away some prizes for the most spookily decorated houses. Simply email a photo of your spooky house before 29th October to 4065@Lancashire.police.uk for a chance to win some fabulous gifts.
If you do go trick or treating, with face masks pretty much mandatory in most places, be aware of where you are going.
If you think someone might be vulnerable or elderly or doesn’t have a pumpkin in their window, don’t frighten them, move on to the next house.
While Halloween has got bigger and bigger, this year will be different, but it doesn’t mean you still can’t have fun, safely.