Look After Yourself

At the minute, we could all do with a little TLC, but some of us find it hard to switch off. So, we’ve put together a few self-care tips, to help you practise a healthy body and healthy mind, writes Tracy Hargreaves

Self-care isn’t always about treating yourself or spending a fortune at the shops, it’s the little things that count.

Making sure you finish work on time is an important one. Especially at the moment with a lot of us working from home, it can be hard not to check that email when it comes in after hours. Try and set up your computer in a separate room in the house so you can close the door at the end of the day and switch your PC and phone off. Emails will still be there in the morning.

Instead of scrolling through social media, read a good book. Ask friends for recommendations or even set up a local book club over zoom where you can share your thoughts on the latest novels.

Write a daily or weekly reflection journey of what makes you happy and what doesn’t. Putting your thoughts onto paper can be very therapeutic and helps to clear the mind.

Go for a walk in nature. Just a 20-minute walk outside helps with your vitamin D intake and can also lower your blood pressure.

Have a declutter, whether this is old clothes you don’t wear any longer or just items around the house you no longer use, less is more. Sort into piles for charity, rubbish and selling.

Spend quality time with the family. Instead of all watching TV, get out a board game you can all play together.

Have a pamper. Buy a face mask, run a warm bath, light candles the paint your toes.

Try and do one thing a month you haven’t done for a while. Go to the cinema, have a round of golf or contact a friend you haven’t spoken to recently.

Volunteer. There are plenty of organisations that need extra help at the moment. Giving something back will not only help others but you will also feel better for it.

Try and do at least one thing for yourself a week. Write a six-month plan to make sure you stick to it. However also be aware of any barriers that might get in the way of you doing something.

If you can, have a buddy who can do their own self-care plan at the same time, so you can incentivise each other and keep you both motivated.

Never feel guilty for doing something for yourself. We all need a little me time.



Tedd Walmsley

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Tedd Walmsley managing director of Live Magazines shares his views on the latest topics in media.

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