Therapeutic coach Lynn Scholes asks what a good, bad or ugly divorce looks like and how we can move forward to a happier future

The terms divorce and separation are so emotive, it’s not hard to imagine the feelings of failure, guilt, hopelessness and helplessness. I am sure we can agree it is in the most part, a painful and negative experience, creating a ripple effect among family and friends that can lead to division and arguments. So, how can we reduce the impact of a painful divorce or separation and make it a good one, or at least good enough?

The cost of separation is clearly financially high but what of the emotional cost?

Divorce is one of the five biggest causes of stress. Part of this is down to the uncertainty of what the future holds. You may be feeling betrayed or feel you have failed yourself or your family in some way. You may feel alone and fearful, unsure how to tell family, friends and colleagues. You may be concerned how you will manage financially once your assets have been divided. Starting again as a single person may be causing undue stress. All of this impacts us greatly no matter what your personal circumstances are. In addition, what you may not realise is this stress can also cause physical symptoms. That’s why it is important to get support. No one has to suffer alone with this.

Divorce or separation is like any other loss whether you are man or a woman

It is painful creating so many emotions that sit so closely with the passing of a loved one in its intensity.

In fact, the loss cycle is the same, ranging from denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally, acceptance. These stages are not linear nor are they definitive, but they are a good gauge of where you may be on your stage of the journey.

Do any of these stages resonate with you and importantly could you be stuck at any stage on your journey?

We feel we have a solution to your break-up, a way to manage it and recover in a more productive and focused way. We can give you tools and techniques to not only manage the emotions but also cope with the practical stages of a divorce.

Do you want to turn adversity and heartbreak into new meaning by finding lasting happiness?

Join our Break-up Recovery Workshop and you will get to work with two of the country’s leading coaches in divorce and resilience training, each with years of both personal and professional experience, who will work alongside you on your journey.

• Understand the practical and legal aspects of what a divorce looks like
• Share your thoughts and feelings in a safe and supportive environment with people who are experiencing exactly the same struggles as you
• Learn how to communicate effectively and stay calm during discussions or conflict with your ex
• Learn how to focus on moving forward rather than be stuck with those feelings of helplessness and hopelessness
• Build self-reliance, self-esteem and re-build lost confidence after divorce or separation
• Find new meaning in life and create a preferred vision of your future
• Gain confidence and the tools necessary to begin dating again

Whether you are a man or a woman looking for support after a break-up then why not join us.

If you are interested in learning more then please don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out more. Please be aware that places are limited so we can give you our personal attention and ensure results.

There is a special £25 discount for all Live Ribble Valley readers

To express an interest please call Lynn at focus101 on 07753 579745 or email: lynn@focus101.co.uk



Tedd Walmsley

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