Mind Matters

Motivation is relevant to businesses and individuals. Therapeutic coach Lynn Scholes explains how it improves quality of life and enhances performance

I have been fascinated with motivation for many years now. It is so dynamic and can appear to come and go at will. When we need it most it often deserts us. There is external motivation such as salary, and internal motivation such as the need to fit in or enjoy your job, so we can see that it is a blend of many things. It is not straight forward and not traditionally easy to measure, as you cannot see it!

Why is it important at all? Because more motivation improves quality of life, enhances self-efficacy, and paves the way inexorably to enhanced performance, greater productivity and more fulfilment.

We have all felt motivated and we have all felt demotivated and understanding what causes either state is intriguing. Up until recently when a ‘Motivational Mapping’ tool was created, there was no way to measure motivation, which led to it being ignored when factoring in the key components of a ‘high performing’ team or individual. What we do know is that if we could bottle ‘motivation’ we would all be millionaires.

Maslow, with his ‘hierarchy of needs’, highlighted the importance of the balance of physical and more spiritual needs that both need to be met in order for us to live a fulfilled life. This is important to us all but critical to organisations, who not only need individuals to be motivated, but whole teams need to be too in order for them to achieve success.

The Motivational Mapping tool gives you a report that when explained, gives clarity and action. It is changing the way businesses manage their staff, recruit, develop their people and improving the bottom lines of businesses in over 14 countries. It is also an amazing tool for individuals who are feeling ‘stuck’ in life.

We know that dopamine plays a big part in the motivation process. However, we can manipulate dopamine release to help us become more motivated. So many of us wait for motivation, before we take action. What we need to do is to take a small step first (start the task we are avoiding) which will cause a release of dopamine and then more motivation will follow. Hence the saying: ‘The first step is always the hardest.’

Below is a list of actions that will help you increase your motivation. If you want further explanation as to how Motivational Mapping sessions can really help you or your organisation, please get in touch.

• Change your perspective on the task you are avoiding. Rather than seeing filing as boring, see it as a way to show those around you that you are efficient.
• Remind yourself of the WHY. There is often a bigger picture to ‘why’ you need to do something. What you are avoiding may only be a small cog in the bigger wheel. Focus on the wheel!
• Break the task down and make a start. The moment you take your first step up the mountain, the mountain gets smaller. The knowledge that you have started will create that release of dopamine, that makes continuing the task easier.
• Be accountable – tell others what you are doing and when, which will help keep you on task.
• Setting yourself goals and rewards helps make mundane tasks more rewarding.

All these things will make you feel more satisfied, like you are achieving and that will in turn, make you feel more motivated.

If you are interested in learning more then please don’t hesitate to get in touch

Call Lynn at focus101 on: 07753579745 or email: lynn@focus101.co.uk



Tedd Walmsley

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