Choosing the right college or sixth form can be daunting but there are lots of choices and opportunities to help you find the right path
Continuing your education post 16 gives you a variety of options. There are a range of subjects, courses and pathways available which can help you reach your career goals, so it’s important to research what’s right for you.
That may be completing A Levels and staying on at your school after GCSEs or attending a further education college that has sixth form provision.
While A Levels are the popular academic route for those who wish to complete a degree at university, many colleges offer vocational and technical qualifications too which are being recognised more and more by higher education institutions.
Teaching in colleges is often led by industry-qualified lecturers using facilities and equipment similar to that found in the workplace. Colleges are without doubt inspirational places to learn where the education and training is delivered by expert teaching staff in industry-standard facilities.
Sixth forms and colleges work closely with local employers and consider the local employment needs when designing their curriculum. This helps to ensure students have access to important work experience to enhance and develop their learning – as well as assuring that they study qualifications which will provide the skills to support local business needs.
Post 16 education teaches other skills alongside the core qualification, such as important attributes that are crucial in the workplace, including teamwork, leadership and negotiation skills, along with working under pressure and to deadlines.
Higher Education in colleges is often more likely to focus on ‘short cycle’, providing foundation degrees and Higher National Diplomas and/or Certificates giving students wider options, as well as full Honours degrees.
Studying locally in a college helps students financially as it means they can often live at home – the programmes can be better managed around family life for more mature students and the fees are usually lower than bigger universities.
Some colleges and sixth forms also offer the International Baccalaureate qualification which is enjoying a high level of respect and recognition among the world’s higher education institutions. This programme of study also prepares students well for university and life beyond.
Colleges and sixth forms really do open up lots of opportunities for whatever stage you’re at, and wherever you want to go – both are great places to start your career journey!