Students Inspired
Top universities and leading businesses such as the BBC and KPMG attended an event designed to inspire Westholme students, planning the next stage of their educational journey
Westholme School recently opened its doors to students and their parents from across the region for a special University and Apprenticeship Fair, to inspire their next steps in education. Delegates from over 20 top higher education institutions travelled to the award-winning Pleasington school.
Representatives from universities including Leeds, Glasgow, Lancaster, Imperial College London together with businesses including the BBC, Warburtons, Booths, Panache Cruises and KPMG spoke to students on the night about the opportunities they could expect within their respective organisations.
Head of Westholme’s INSPIRED Sixth Form, Jonathan Oracz, recounts the evening: “As Head of Sixth Form at Westholme School, I am passionate about providing students with every opportunity on the pathway to life beyond their A Levels. It was therefore a pleasure to put together our own recent University and Apprenticeship Fair, welcoming delegates into school for a special evening to inform, advise and enthuse students and families from across the region.
“I am very proud of our success as the 2023 Independent School of the Year for our Careers Programme. It is through the wider support and opportunities we provide for our students, such as this event, that they have excelled in achieving highly coveted degree apprenticeships and university places.
“In addition to the numerous recruitment and outreach advisors from UK universities and leading companies, many recent Westholme graduates returned on the evening, representing the major companies they are now privileged to be a part of. They hosted stalls to promote the Level 6 Degree Apprenticeships they were successful in achieving through the support given during their time at school. Seeing our alumni giving back to the school, grateful for what they were given and now wishing to give other students the same opportunities they themselves were afforded, was truly a pleasure to behold. It’s a cycle of success that makes me incredibly proud.
“We welcomed students from Years 9 to 13 and I hope that all families who attended found it to be useful, no matter what year group they are in and that seeds of inspiration were planted, even for the younger year students. For Year 12 students, it was a fantastic opportunity to narrow down their options for that all-important next step in their education and potential career.
“At Westholme, we pride ourselves on providing our students with unrivalled holistic excellence and this recent University and Apprenticeship Fair is a great example of our team coming together to do the very best for our students, giving them the best possible opportunities in taking the next steps towards making their career aspirations a reality.”
To find out more about Westholme’s INSPIRED Sixth Form, please visit: westholmeschool.com or contact admissions at: registrar@westholmeschool.com
Wilmar Lodge, Meins Road, Pleasington BB2 6QU
01254 506070