Repair, Restore & Renew
Anti-ageing skincare, does it exist and does it work? Happily, the answer is yes, but time and again the science comes back to three, clinically proven, key ingredients – Vitamin C, sunscreen and Vitamin A
The truth behind whether a topical skin product works or not comes down to the ingredients it’s packed with, how that product is formulated and whether or not they contain high enough levels of the active key ingredients to be of any value to the skin.
The point of anti-ageing skincare is to make older, possibly damaged skin behave in a younger and healthier way and this is how these three key ingredients do it.
This is one of the most powerful vitamins for preventing the signs of ageing and reversing the signs of skin damage. It is an exceptional antioxidant which protects your skin throughout the day from free radical attack caused by pollutants and it also disrupts the formation of melanin, so helps prevent age spots and promotes even skin tone. It is essential for the formation of collagen – which in turn prevents lines and wrinkles. So, no Vitamin C – no collagen!
SPF is the most powerful anti-ageing weapon there is – and it is clinically proven, so no argument there. Although if you are younger, you might argue that SPF belongs in the ‘prevention’ category. You also want to ensure that it is broad spectrum, environmentally clean and photostable. It doesn’t fix any damage that is already done – that’s the job of Vitamin A.
Hailed as the gold-standard in anti-ageing, Vitamin A (a retinoid) is one of the most well proven ingredients in skincare. It is the only other ingredient along with SPF that is legally allowed to claim to be anti-ageing.
As we age, loss of Vitamin A and collagen helps create those signs of ageing such as wrinkles and a dull complexion. But retinoids (Vitamin A) can help reverse this.
It rebuilds collagen, increases cell turnover, targets hyperpigmentation, tackles acne, refines skin texture, repairs sun damage, targets wrinkles – and is an all-round good egg.
Essentially, it challenges ageing skin to behave in a younger and healthier way – and so with continued use, you can expect your skin to be smoother brighter and firmer.
But choose your Vitamin A with care – and use it wisely! All Vitamin A products should be phased in over a period of four weeks.
Melt have partnered with Medik8, Nourish and Dr Haushka and are specialists in skincare which is scientifically proven to help ageing skin look younger.
More importantly, they can help guide you on the correct use and entry level for your skin type and age – and advise when to step up to the next level for continued improvement.
For a more in-depth telephone consultation, or to book an appointment to discuss this in person, please call 01200 443377.
Loyalty scheme with all Medik8 purchases, ask instore for details
Melt are also stockists of Powder, Chalk, niche perfumes, cashmere, jewellery and more
Retail outlet, Chandlery and Reading Room open seven days a week. 10am-5pm Monday to Saturday and 12 noon-4.30pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays
Backridge Farm
Waddington BB7 3LQ
01200 443377