As nights draw in and days turn cool, autumn brings its own set of sleep challenges for those who struggle to snooze

According to the Sleep Council, while the end of long, light nights and hot stuffy bedrooms ends one set of problems, it can mean the start of others for some people.

Sleep Council’s sleep chief, Lisa Artis says: “While autumn’s cool nights provide a nice bedtime break from summer’s hot and humid evenings, a host of other sleep issues can crop up at this time of year and disrupt shuteye.”

Here’s the Sleep Council’s advice to make sure autumn doesn’t leave you fatigued and frustrated:

• Shorter days can mean less exposure to sunlight. This means lower levels of vitamin D and increased feelings of fatigue – and also disruption of the circadian rhythm, which regulates feelings of wakefulness and sleepiness. Getting plenty of sun on your face in the morning can help, so be sure to open the curtains as soon as you wake up and, if possible, go for a morning walk. After sunset, do the opposite and dim indoor lights to get your body back on track.

• While crisp, chill air can make it tempting to light the fire and crank up the heating, it’s actually best to keep the home, or at least the bedroom, between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius. Letting the bedroom get too warm can mess with sleep – too hot and the body struggles to bring its temperature back down, causing wakefulness. Too cold and the body will eventually wake you up – demanding extra layers of warmth and insulation!

• Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that can set in when daylight hours grow shorter, is thought to affect one in 15 people between the months of September and April in the UK each year. While the cause of SAD is still unknown, the disorder can alter melatonin levels, which play a role in the sleep/wake cycle and cause daytime sleepiness and oversleeping. To re-establish a normal sleep schedule, exercise regularly, ensure the bedroom is conducive to sleep (strictly no gadgets and gizmos) and keep bedtime/waking times consistent – even at weekends. Getting as much natural daylight as possible is key too, as it suppresses melatonin levels and boosts serotonin production.

• Colder weather can also tempt us to eat more than we should. While it’s easy to stick to salads and lighter foods during warm summer months, avoid the temptation to ‘comfort eat’ heavier meals as the temperatures drop – particularly close to bedtime.

• Make sure your bed is comfortable and still supportive. Indoor furniture can be forgotten about during the lazy, hazy, outdoor furniture days of summer. With the focus firmly back on interiors, it might be time to re-appraise the piece you use more than any other in the home – and if your bed is seven years old or more, then a new one could definitely be on the cards.



Tedd Walmsley

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