Mike Morgan’s motto is ‘Be at your best – achieve your best’ and as founder of Vir Original men’s luxury grooming range, he is proof of the philosophy he lives by

It’s exciting times for Mike Morgan, founder of recently launched Vir Original products. With the range available online and through other outlets it’s a busy time for this new company, as Mike explains: “We are teaming up with a number of different companies to promote our products. One of these is Bowker BMW where Vir Original products were on display at their recently held Luxury Test Drive Event at Northcote. The event with Bowker BMW was really successful,” Mike says.

“We are also now launching in a number of subscription boxes including ToppBox, who deliver personalised men’s grooming products, experts in menswear and accessories Gentleman’s Practice and in June we will be included in Victory Box based in the States, who deliver high quality men’s products. So, whilst hectic it’s an exciting time for us.”

Other ventures include working with an exclusive watch company, a London based coffee company which specialises in biodegradable Nespresso® pods, and the innovative locally-based Lanx shoes organisation. “Working collaboratively has mutual benefits and can result in reaching a wider customer base and sharing of resources and knowledge – but also supporting each other’s products is a really positive experience,” Mike says.

Vir Original products are manufactured locally and comprise of a range of body washes, sprays and shampoos, with the formulation of each based around completely natural ingredients.

“Everything that goes into Vir Original products is high in quality and has the most fantastic aroma,” Mike says. The products being natural, and the packaging recyclable, was of the utmost importance to Mike, but he knew this shouldn’t compromise on luxury and performance.

The list of some of the ingredients in the range such as liquorice root, raw honey, tea tree, sea salt, lemon and coconut, sound both amazing and good for you. The signature range, which has been the first to launch, contains coffee extract, black cherry and more.

Mike adds: “The greatest satisfaction I get is when people have a double take and want to ‘second smell’ the products when they realise just how fresh and different they are.”

Due in some part to the presence of such natural ingredients the fragrance is long lasting, but as Mike explains, not overwhelming: “The product is the suit beneath your suit and perfect for those men whose aim it is not to just set their goals, but to go out and achieve them. Vir Original is a confidence booster and the perfect start to the day.”

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Tedd Walmsley

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