Be Confident In The Skin You Are In, In 2024!

EMA Skin Aesthetics Ltd founder and director Emma Pearce talks to Sarah Varley about the transformative anti-ageing results and skin confidence she achieves for her clients

As an aesthetic skin specialist with the most advanced training and experience, Emma specialises in rediscovering clients’ youthful looks with non-invasive, scientifically-proven technology.

Hi Emma, what are the most common skin issues you deal with?
The anti-ageing skin issues I solve the most are for women in their 40s to late 70s, most commonly feeling they have aged dramatically overnight, noticing lines, sagging and bags under their eyes which is affecting their confidence. Many clients have mentioned feeling they have ‘let themselves go’ and as a result have noticed a negative impact on their skin including more prominent fine lines and wrinkles.

There is no need to put up with feeling like this. I have lots of clients who thought they had left it too late to eliminate signs of ageing, but it is never too late. My oldest client is 85 and she looks incredible!

What is the treatment you most recommend?
Definitely Plasma Pen! It’s perfect for treating all these issues and regaining your skin confidence. It rebuilds and strengthens the skin’s scaffolding, restoring your skin to how it was in youthful years. This non-invasive procedure is becoming the most pioneering anti-ageing treatment available today due to the astounding results achieved by the industry’s leading skin specialists.

Plasma Pen tightens and eliminates fine lines and wrinkles naturally by working with your skin. Experience and expertise is crucial to assuring results that exceed your expectations. I know exactly which areas to target and techniques to use to deliver exceptional results for each client. It’s virtually pain-free with minimal downtime and often only one treatment is needed.

What results can we expect?
Plasma Pen is so effective because it rebuilds and strengthens the skin’s fibroblasts, which we refer to as the scaffolding of the skin, and powerfully stimulates collagen and elastin production for dramatic results. These results improve as the weeks go by and last up to three years. It is fantastic for tightening and erasing sagging jowls, turkey necks, marionette lines, smile and smokers’ lines around the lips, crows’ feet, puffy eyes, drooping eyelids and chest lines. I have achieved results with Plasma Pen that have been truly life-changing for my clients.

If you want to regain your youthful looks and still look like you, this is the perfect treatment.

You can turn back the clock with this scientifically-proven technology and importantly delivered by a renowned experienced skin specialist. All my clients have been absolutely delighted with the results!

EMA Skin Aesthetics Ltd
Upstairs at Toni & Guy
86 Fishergate, Preston PR1 2NJ
01772 821600
07547 802062



Tedd Walmsley

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