Making The Most Of Later Life

We all want to enjoy a long and healthy life as we get older, we need to be mindful of the changes that ageing can bring so we can try to be as healthy and active as possible

As American author Mark Twain said: “Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many.” However, there is no shame in needing help as we age and fortunately, there are many services that provide help and support.

There is a wealth of advice about ageing. Some of the main age-related topics from the NHS include:

Regular exercise can help reduce the impact of several diseases. Regular exercise can also improve low mood and memory, improve sleep, reduce arthritis-related pain and prevent falls and fractures. In fact, taking regular exercise is one of the best things you can do to remain independent.

A good range of foods in your diet with five portions of fruit and vegetables each day will ensure the body is getting plenty of nutrients and vitamins. Fluid intake is important, so drinking water daily, along with other drinks, is advised.

Good mental wellbeing is important for all of us. Here are some ideas to help or improve your mental wellbeing:

• Start a conversation – communication is key to wellbeing and we all respond to a friendly face.
• Make time for friends. Meet up for a chat or invite people over for a cup of tea.
• Chat on the phone. Keep in touch especially if meeting in person is difficult.
• Be computer savvy. There are many ways to connect with others online and of course a wealth of information at your fingertips.
• Get involved. There are tons of local groups who welcome new members.
• Make a plan. Make sure there is something to look forward to each day.
• Can you help others? Volunteering can be a great way to stay involved and meet new people.
• Befriending services – there are many volunteers and charities that offer a friendly ear.

What’s good for our body is good for the brain.

There are some simple things we can do. These include:
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Not drinking too much alcohol.
• Not smoking.
• Keeping your blood pressure at a healthy level.
• Getting enough sleep. Have a daytime nap if you need to.
• Keeping socially active.
• Learn new things, complete puzzles and crosswords and get out and about.

If you are encountering any struggles with daily life and need extra help, many services can support you. Support can include just help with shopping or light housework right up to dementia and respite care.
Don’t forget, if you have concerns about your health, contact your GP.



Tedd Walmsley

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Tedd Walmsley managing director of Live Magazines shares his views on the latest topics in media.

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