Savvy Storage Solutions

Bring order to the chaos in a child’s bedroom with these handy hints on how to declutter

Many of us start spring with grand plans of decluttering our homes and getting rid of that just-in-case junk once and for all. Few rooms are more susceptible to clutter than children’s rooms.

It can be difficult to find the time and energy for a sort-out, but here is a round-up of some of the best decluttering techniques and kids’ storage items that can help make this daunting task quicker and easier – and maybe even, dare we say it, fun! So, if you want to get your little one’s room organised this spring, here’s how to clear the clutter and create more space for you to have fun together.

The number one tip for organising your child’s room is to get them in on the challenge. If they need motivation, try turning decluttering into a game to get them interested, or create a rewards chart and offer rewards for tidying tasks completed.

With limited time available to most parents, it can be helpful to have a plan to follow for your decluttering.

This technique is perfect for busy parents! Set a timer and get the kids involved, seeing who can pack away the most toys before the alarm goes off.

Simply find 12 things to throw out, 12 things to donate and 12 to put away. You can repeat the challenge as often as you like.

This is often considered a ‘kinder’ decluttering method, as you only need to get rid of anything you haven’t used for six months. In a child’s room, you can apply this to any toys they haven’t played with in the past half year or clothes that are now too small.

A common challenge when organising a kid’s room is the lack of space. Maximising the often-overlooked areas can be a great way to use every inch of available space in their room.

For smaller bedrooms, choose a mid or high-sleeper bed that offers built-in storage underneath or room for you to add your own, such as a chest of drawers or toy boxes.

No more floor space in your child’s room? Then it’s time to climb the walls! Wall-mounted shelving is another clever way to create storage space in even the smallest of box rooms.

Shelves with hooks provide another place to hang coats and bulkier outerwear items, clearing space in your kid’s wardrobe for other clothes.

The experts at Cuckooland recommend investing in child-level bookcases, baskets and boxes with labels. This means you can designate a home for everything, and your little one can easily put their toys back in the right place by themselves (we can hope)!



Tedd Walmsley

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