Ten Things You Need To Know

About Your Building Conversion

Creating your dream home doesn’t automatically mean starting from scratch. Zara Moon of ZMA explains

Many of ZMA’s clients already have buildings that just need to be re-designed to suit their requirements and some of the most unique properties are conversions of existing buildings.

In the same way that it is important to maximise a site, it is equally important to utilise the existing fabric of the building.

1. Does it have heritage value?
Before any design work commences, you have to understand the history of the building. You need to know if the building is listed. This can be found by visiting historicengland.org.uk. Even if your building is not listed, it may be classed as a Non-Designated Heritage Asset, it may be located within a Conservation Area or be within the setting of a listed building.

2. What is the site/building history?
Next it is important to understand what the building was used for historically, what constitutes the ‘original’ building. Is the original building still evident, or has it been lost? Are there any original openings/features remaining which should be preserved.

3. Is it convertible for the proposed use?
Your building needs to be structurally suitable for converting without having to significantly re-build and would require a structural survey to accompany a planning submission. It may be feasible to extend as well as convert. This is dependent on the site location and other constraints such as green belt, AONB or Conservation Areas.

4. What are the site conditions?
Depending on the building’s previous use, the ground may be contaminated, the foundations may not be sufficient for the new use and the building may contain asbestos. This can be assessed through a site survey.

5. Is planning approval required?
Some change of use schemes do not require planning approval as they may fall within permitted development, but they may still need prior approval from the local authority. Always ask your architect if planning approval is required. If your project does not require planning permission, the conversion will still need Building Regulations approval.

6. Is the plot suitable for the proposed use?
The external area surrounding the building will also need to be adequate for your conversion to suit the specific use such as access, garden areas, bin storage and parking spaces.

7. Does any wildlife live in or close to the building?
Many conversions will require an ecology survey which investigates habitats such as bat, bird and barn owls. If any are present, the construction phase will be restricted, you would require a license to carry out the work and you will need a strategy of how to ensure the ecology will not be affected.

8. Does it have appropriate access?
Barn conversions can be in remote locations. Access needs to be suitable – this includes parking, turning and exit the site without having to reverse onto the highway, and adequate passing places on country lanes.

9. Does it have existing services?
Services and utilities will need to be provided, sometimes you can connect to existing utilities or the location is within easy reach of mains services, however other locations may require bore holes, package treatment plants and on-site power generation.

10. Is the design appropriate for the building?
In order to satisfy your specific requirements and the local authority – the design needs to be appropriate for the building, site and context. 

If you have a building which requires a re-design, change of use or conversion, then contact a member of our team for a free consultation.

Zara Moon Architects
The Barn at Fieldings Farm
Whalley Banks, Whalley BB7 9JL
01200 403840



Tedd Walmsley

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