Building Of Townscape Merit

Zara Moon Architects explain how they achieved planning approval for one of their contemporary extensions to a Building of Townscape Merit within the Wiswell Conservation Area in the Ribble Valley

Ninety per cent of ZMA’s projects are on sensitive sites (Green Belt, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Open Countryside and Conservation Areas). We also specialise in heritage schemes including work to listed buildings or within the settings of various heritage assets.

Lantern Cottage is a dwelling located in the Wiswell Conservation Area and is categorised as a Building of Townscape Merit. The existing dwelling therefore has a quaint Ribble Valley cottage aesthetic and is of heritage value.

Our clients wanted to create a highly contemporary addition which reflected how they wanted to live in their home, including a large open plan kitchen dining living space, a guest suite and impressive boot room entrance.

The orientation of the property had a poor connection to the garden both visually and physically. The proposal solves this issue by creating a new extension which stretches the width of the garden, effectively bringing their primary living spaces into their garden.

The design includes the reconfiguration of their ground floor layout to maximise efficiency while creating a grand rear entrance boot room, separate formal dining room with feature wine store, laundry, back kitchen, double garage and a guest suite with private garden terrace.

Projects to traditional or heritage buildings don’t necessarily have to be like-for-like or be traditional in their style. The architectural design response is selected based on what a client wants to achieve with their home combined with an in-depth understanding of the building’s heritage.

During the first stage of the project we undertake historic research, assess the planning history and any historic context. This research then informs the design and what can be achieved on a particular building or site.

Historic maps are analysed, the important characteristic of Conservation Areas are identified, key views and other heritage buildings are reviewed all to ensure there would be no impact as a result of the proposal.

Some schemes maintain the same architectural language, materials and features of the original building. Whereas in other schemes it is more appropriate to represent a contrasting architectural style which allows the old and new elements to remain legible. Each project is therefore bespoke and tailored to the specific client and site.

If you have a sensitive site with big aspirations, get in touch to discuss your project in further detail.

Zara Moon Architects
The Barn at Fieldings Farm
Whalley Banks, Whalley BB7 9JL
01200 403840



Tedd Walmsley

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